Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Happy half birthday Logan!!

Today Logan weighed in at 16.10 lb and was 26 inches long. It's amazing the difference in him in just 2 months, a 7 pound weight gain. He is so fun. He visited Santa on Monday and got pictures done in a Santa suit, very cute. He is now entering the stage of squiwling at the top of his lungs. =) We're looking forward to his 1st Chirstmas.

Logan is really starting to play with his feet

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

squash anyone? He seemed to like this a little better than the cereal. He's still working on swallowing, but manage to get some down.

We started Logan on solids last night. He had rice cereal, and he didn't quite know what to think about it. I'm not convinced he liked it.

We got our 1st Christmas tree this weekend. We had lots of fun decorating it and then eating peppermint ice cream afterwards. A great way to get into the holiday spirit.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Now that has to be the cuttest plummer I have ever seen. =)

Proud Papa with his boys
Cousin Sophia

Happy Thanksgiving

Great Aunt Jenny sure had fun with me

Cousins only 7 weeks apart. Bound to be great buds

Cousin Evan

Evan was really confused about Logan's bare head. He kept rubbing his
head and trying to pull the very little hair Logan has.
Evans hair is so long and he already has had a hair cut.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Logan is working on sitting up by himself. He's getting pretty close.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

5 months old

Logan went from 9 lb 6 oz on his 4 month birthday to 13 lb 6oz on his 5 month birthday. WOW!! He is doing great. He's so happy, rolling over, giggling and talking your ear off. He's a little chatter box and you have no idea what he's telling you but just smile and say 'really? what else'. Dad and I are both working on Mama and Dad. I hope I win and get Mama 1st. He slept through the night for the very 1st time last night. And we're praying he'll keep doing that. We're having so much fun with him.

Splashing around in his new ducky tub