Wednesday, May 27, 2009

3 months old

Elliana Nicole is 3 months old! I'm once again blown away at how fast time is flying by. She weighed in at 13.10 and is 24 1/4 inches long. She is the happiest baby I've ever met. Although I'm sure she's going to be busy like her brother. She now arches her back and kicks off her legs. She can move around really fast! She's no longer safe on the bed or the couch. Her personality is contagious. You can't spend 2 minutes with her and not walk away feeling happy yourself. She's so good. :) She is up for her usual feeding at 4-5 am and straight back down. She has done a 9 hours stretch. And I don't think we're too far from that every night.
I just can't get enough of this sweet baby girl.

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